
Admission of thirst leads to living water

Jesus speaks to us in our sinfulness: "I desire to quench your thirst for me!"

The spiritual thirst of the woman at the well this third Sunday of Lent represents our thirst for the living water who is Jesus himself.

Samaria, the setting of our Gospel, is a desert climate. The hottest part of the day to be doing work is the middle of the day. Why did the Samaritan woman come in the middle of the day to draw water from the well?

It becomes clear as she and Jesus dialogue that her relationships are far from perfect and she may feel judged by others. We can see she may be avoiding embarrassment by coming during the middle of the day when no one else is at the well. It is here she meets the one who wants to fill her with living water – Jesus Christ.

How often have we avoided interaction with others because we are ashamed at what we have done to them or we are hurt by what they have done to us? We feel isolated and alone and we are trapped in the prison of our own sinfulness.

It is here we encounter Jesus. He meets us right in that place where we have run to avoid others and invites us into an encounter with him. He does not stand in judgment over us or condemn us for our weaknesses. Rather, he comes with healing and truth.

The Samaritan woman leaves the encounter at the well filled with awe and wonder and spreads the good news of her encounter with Jesus to all in the town. When we encounter Jesus through our brothers and sisters, in confession, in a moment of sacrifice, prayer or charity, don’t we feel our hearts come alive?

Jesus invites us out of our darkness and into his wonderful light. So let us renew our desire as we near our midway point in Lent to be vulnerable before the Lord. If we admit our thirst to him, he will fill us with his love, with his "living water!"


Father Timothy Forgét is pastor of St. Jane Frances de Chantal Parish in Randolph and St. Mary of the Seven Dolors Parish in Osmond. Contact him at

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