
Archbishop’s Annual Appeal reaches out to every parishioner

"Every town. Every Parish. Every Person. Your story is part of OUR story of faith."

With that as a theme, the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal for 2016-2017 kicks off at weekend Masses Sept. 10-11.

The campaign provides about 20 percent of the archdiocese’s annual budget, helping to support services, ministries and programs that include educating 19,000 students in Catholic schools and faith formation for children, teens and adults in 140 parishes, said Breeane Peterson, development officer in the Stewardship and Development Office.

Annual programs also include training more than 600 lectors and extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, providing services for 27,000 needy families through Catholic Charities and conducting marriage and family life enrichment programs, she said.

This year’s goal is $3.5 million, Peterson said. The 2015-2016 appeal surpassed its $3.35 million target with more than $3.513 million in pledges, marking the sixth consecutive year the appeal has raised more than its goal.

"We are grateful for the many donors who recognize God’s gifts in their own lives and share those gifts with others through the annual appeal," Peterson said. "We are very appreciative of their abundant prayers and sacrifices."

Parishioners will receive an information packet and letter from Archbishop George J. Lucas and hear more about the appeal at Sept. 10-11 Masses. Appeal organizers also will communicate with parishioners through emails, bulletin announcements and updates on the archdiocese’s website,

General chairs for the appeal are Jim and Suzanne Pillen, members of St. Isidore Parish in Columbus, and Tom and Joanne Kerins, members of St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Omaha.

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