Archbishop’s Dinner for Education honorees announced
April 17, 2023
Ask anyone who works in Catholic schools, and they will tell you that their jobs are much more than a career; they are a vocation. Each day, administrators and teachers across the Archdiocese of Omaha work to prepare students academically but, more importantly, faithfully.
These educators don’t call attention to the work they do, but once a year, the archdiocese gets the chance to honor some of the often-unsung heroes of Catholic education at the Archbishop’s Dinner for Education.
This year’s dinner is on Sept. 21 at the CHI Health Center Omaha and will highlight the important work honorees do for their students and communities across northeast Nebraska. As part of the nomination process, pastors, co-workers, students and parents submit letters of recommendation. Below is a list of this year’s honorees and a brief excerpt from one of their recommendation letters.
Bill Lafleur, principal of Norfolk Catholic
“Mr. Lafleur’s commitment to encountering Jesus and equipping others to do the same has born great fruits within our school. Mr. Lafleur is dependable in every way. I find him to be a caring man who has a strong rapport with students, faculty members, school families, and his fellow parishioners.”
Tamyra Hower, St. Thomas More-Omaha
“I have witnessed Tamyra’s teaching ability, and I believe it is a gift from God. Tamyra truly loves each student as her own, which drives her desire to see them succeed academically, socially and spiritually.”
Rhonda Zimmerman, East & West Catholic-Hartington
“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come,’ and this is the message that Mrs. Rhonda Zimmerman exhibits every day as she works with the first and second graders at East and West Catholic. She welcomes all students with open arms as she continues to be Jesus’ disciple.”
JoAnne Hamilton, Cedar Catholic-Hartington
“JoAnne truly lives her faith inside and outside the classroom. She is humble, kind, and compassionate. She begins each class period with the Prayer to St. Cecilia and encourages her students to share their gifts from God.”
Jake Moore, Duchesne Academy-Omaha
“Not only is Jake an excellent educator, but he is also a man of deep faith who serves as a role model for our students. He models the attitudes of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, such as gratitude, generosity, compassion, and forgiveness.”
MAGINN FAMILY FOUNDATION EDUCATORS OF THE YEAR (for service to inner-city and underserved youth)
Joe Koziar, Sacred Heart-Omaha
“Many of our kids come from tough situations in their lives. Joes has always been the one who is able to get even our toughest students to walk side by side with him. When I think about what it might look like if Jesus Christ was working in our urban schools in today’s world, I think he would look like Joe.”
Misty Andreasen, St. Michael-South Sioux City
“Misty has dedicated her life to serving God by teaching young children about the love of Jesus Christ and how following in His path leads to happiness and eternal life in Heaven. She adapts to each class, meeting their needs without compromising her high standards for academics and positive behavior.”
This year’s Archbishop’s Dinner for Education Chairpersons are Stefanie and Chris Wiedenfeld of St. Robert Bellarmine-Omaha. Co-chairs are Jeanie and Lance Jones of Christ the King Parish-Omaha. Honorary chairs are Rose and Ed Regan of St. Wenceslaus-Omaha. For more information on this year’s dinner, visit https://archomaha.org/dinnerforeducation/