Photo courtesy of Franciscan Media


Archdiocesan-wide novena places the Journey of Faith under the protection of Our Lady

As the Archdiocese of Omaha embarks on a novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe to help us along our Journey of Faith, her consoling words to Juan Diego remain as relevant today as they were almost five centuries ago.

“Nothing should frighten or grieve you,” the Virgin Mary told Juan Diego. “Let not your heart be disturbed. … Am I not here, who is your Mother? Are you not under my protection?”

For nine days beginning on Dec. 3, Catholics in northeast Nebraska will receive an email containing that day’s novena. The entire novena can be found on the archdiocese’s website, The daily novena will also be posted on social media.

The Journey of Faith planning process began in late 2021 to address the projected decline in the numbers of priests, falling Mass attendance, and shifting populations in rural and urban areas.

With parishes grouped into “families” of parishes, each plan addresses how those parishes will work together to become missional communities while furthering the archdiocese’s pastoral vision of one Church: encountering Jesus, equipping disciples and living mercy.

Plans were submitted on Nov. 15. They are being reviewed on a rolling basis by the archdiocese’s Pastoral Planning Office members before being given to Archbishop George J. Lucas for his review.

The archdiocese’s novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe is meant to increase faith and trust in the Lord, who answers prayers according to his divine will.











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