Audrey Borytsky, left, of St. Mary Parish in Bellevue and wife of Nebraska Knights of Columbus State Deputy Mark Borytsky, shows others how to assemble a “blessing bag.” Forty-five KC wives and Father Josh Brown, state chaplain, prepared 350 bags during the state Knights’ mid-winter meeting in early December in Lincoln. Councils from across the state sent donations for the Borytskys to purchase items for each bag, including a fleece blanket, gloves, a hat, socks, toiletries, water, a pouch of tuna, crackers and a hand-written note. Knights of Columbus officers, district deputies and other representatives took the bags back to their communities to share a little Christmas joy with those less fortunate. “If you’ve ever had the opportunity to give to someone who has next to nothing, it’s something you will never forget. It’s awesome,” she said. ELIZABETH WELLS


Blessing Bags

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