Catholic Cemeteries to offer stations for second year
April 18, 2019
About 40 people attended Stations of the Cross each Wednesday they were offered during Lent last year at Catholic Cemeteries’ Holy Angels Mausoleum in Resurrection Cemetery in Omaha – and the same opportunity will be offered again this year.
"People found that incredibly helpful," said Deacon Jim Tardy, outreach manager. "It’s another way for people to journey through that way of grief."
Tom Zadina, a member of St. Stanislaus Parish in Omaha, attended several of last year’s services to pray for his mother, Theresa, who died three years ago and is buried at the cemetery, as well as others in his family.
Zadina also joined people at the services who wrote petitions and nailed them to a large cross set up for that purpose, and he took advantage of the outdoor Stations of the Cross that are offered every year on Good Friday at Calvary Cemetery, across the street from Resurrection Cemetery.
"It’s a very nice way to pray for those buried in the cemetery," and to reflect on Jesus’ suffering for mankind, his death and resurrection, Zadina said of Stations of the Cross.
And the promise created by Jesus’ resurrection – eternal life with God – is what gives people hope in the midst of grief, Deacon Tardy said. It’s also what makes cemeteries a place for the living, he said.
"Several people just held my hand last year, with a tear in their eye," Deacon Tardy said of the services. "That’s it. Sometimes, no words are spoken at all."