Diaper drive gathers supplies for mothers
April 18, 2019
Encouraging its listeners to contribute, Spirit Catholic Radio in May helped Catholic Charities of Omaha and Birthright pregnancy resource centers in Columbus and Norfolk collect diapers and other baby items for needy mothers.
Within the Archdiocese of Omaha, the Pro-Life Diaper Drive collected nearly 10,000 diapers in Omaha, nearly 1,000 in Columbus and more than 2,300 in Norfolk, as well as baby wipes, clothing and blankets. The radio network held similar drives in dioceses across Nebraska and western Iowa. Businesses and parishes also were encouraged to participate.
Catholic Charities distributed the items it collected to clients in its adoption and Mentoring Moms programs, domestic violence shelter, and Juan Diego and St. Martin de Porres community centers in Omaha.