Living Mercy
Don’t let coats, winter apparel go unused; give them to St. Vincent de Paul drive
October 18, 2023
“The coat unused in your closet belongs to the one who needs it.” – St. Basil the Great
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Omaha is asking for the unused coat in your closet (or a new one) to give to those in need via the organization’s 19th Annual Winter Coat & Apparel Giveaway on Nov. 4.
The giveaway – from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Omaha Home for Boys, 4343 N. 52nd St. – is open to the public, for anyone who could use a new or gently-used winter coat as well as a new hat, gloves, mittens or scarf.
Homemade items are especially welcomed, the society said on its website: “Nothing beats a scarf made with love!”
The need for winter items is especially pressing this year, according to Jill Lynch-Sosa, executive director of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Omaha.
“Frankly, donations in general have been strikingly down this year, both to our thrift stores and financial donations to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Omaha,” Lynch-Sosa said.
Meanwhile, visits to the organization’s pantry and requests for utility assistance “have done nothing but increase over this past year,” she said.
Information on how to donate or volunteer can be found at https://www.ssvpomaha.org/coat-drive–giveaway.html.
Donated items can be dropped off at any St. Vincent de Paul thrift store but should be marked “coat drive.”
The nonprofit expects that 3,000 children and adults will benefit from the drive.