
Fourth-grader wins archdiocesan contest

More than 70 students from across the archdiocese submitted videos to the Catholic Schools Office suggesting ways to help others.

Chosen as the winner in a random drawing, fourth-grader Eliana Lee at St. Thomas More School in Omaha was surprised with a $1,000 gift card Oct. 11 to help her purchase supplies to fill “blessing bags” with about $10 worth of toothbrushes, deodorant and other toiletry items for the needy. 

“If I receive the $1,000, I would like to involve my classmates to help me make 110 blessing bags, including a handwritten note,” she says in her video for the “Awaken Greatness in the Community” competition, which began Sept. 1. The video can be seen at the Catholic Schools’ website and it will be shared by the office through social media. 

Other ideas included creating community gardens near schools and retirement homes, raising money to help the homeless through bake sales and giving rosaries to refugees, said Blair Bonczynski, marketing and communications coordinator for Catholic Schools.

The Catholic Schools Office hopes to make the contest an annual event, Bonczynski said.

“(Lee) is a very good example of what we’re hoping to develop in a disciple – living mercy and being a disciple of Christ,” she said.

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