Volunteers Ricardo Sanchez and Martha Hernandez help organize food for distribution at Catholic Charities Juan Diego Center in Omaha. SUSAN SZALEWSKI/STAFF
Generous donors to Archbishop’s Annual Appeal share blessings across northeast Nebraska
July 5, 2023
The Archbishop’s Annual Appeal raised over $4.67 million during its 2022-2023 campaign, providing critical services for the most vulnerable in northeast Nebraska and supporting the many Catholic ministries that help countless individuals encounter Jesus, the archdiocese’s Stewardship and Development Office announced.
Funds raised through the appeal make up more than 30% of the archdiocese’s annual budget. It helps supports outreach and ministries that assist Catholics and communities across the Archdiocese of Omaha, including recruiting and educating seminarians, coaching and mentoring parish leaders, walking with moms in need and aiding the poor, elderly and refugees.
Archbishop George J. Lucas said he is struck by the number of people willing to make sacrifices to support the annual appeal.
“Through the annual appeal, we have the chance not only to receive blessings from the Lord, we also have the chance to share, to reach out to those who are in need, to provide education and formation for young people in our parishes,” Archbishop Lucas said.
Over 11,400 households contributed to the appeal, which began last September and ended June 30, said Bree Kotulak, a Stewardship and Development officer. Forty-five parishes of the archdiocese’s parishes exceeded their financial goals for the appeal. A list of those parishes can be found here.
Kotulak said those who give to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal understand that they are blessed by God and want to share those blessings with the entire archdiocese, recognizing that the 23 counties that make up the archdiocese are truly One Church.
“We are incredibly blessed by such faith-filled and generous people here in northeast Nebraska,” Kotulak said.
Please enjoy this thank you video from the Archdiocese of Omaha.