
Last call to register for pro-life banquet and conference

One time, I ended up at a bar. And, accidentally, I stayed too long. Eventually, the bartender shouted: Last Call!

Well, folks, that’s about the same place we are right now with the annual Bishops’ Pro-Life Banquet and Conference.

It’s last call!

This year’s banquet and conference is on October 6 and 7. Registration closes at 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, October 1. If you’re lucky and call the office (402.477.7517) on Monday, we might still be able to squeeze you in.

In either case, the clock is ticking and you need to act. Seats are filling up fast. So, to join hundreds of your closest pro-life friends as we celebrate the great pro-life work taking place throughout Nebraska, go to and register for the annual Bishops’ Pro-Life Banquet and Conference.

When I say the pro-life banquet (Friday night) and conference (Saturday) do not disappoint, I don’t say that to puff up an event I help host. Just because I’m a lobbyist doesn’t mean I’m trying to sell you snake oil. I say it doesn’t disappoint because I mean it. The weekend is uplifting and deepens your faith and pro-life convictions!

Each year, we hear from incredible keynote speakers. This year is no different. If you listen to Spirit Catholic Radio between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m., you hear the incredible apologists from Catholic Answers fielding the frequent and challenging questions about our faith. This year’s keynote speaker is Joe Heschmeyer, one of the many great staff apologists at Catholic Answers. Joe is the right guy to drive home this year’s banquet and conference theme: The Truth Will Set You Free.

Drawing on the words of Christ, Joe will equip us to be better disciples of the Gospel of Life in an age where truth is seemingly rare and discarded.

At the banquet, we also honor amazing pro-life leaders in our state, from some of our youngest and newest pro-life advocates to our most veteran.

We honor our statewide pro-life essay contest winners from grades 7 through 11. It’s always edifying and humbling to see and hear from the next generation of pro-life leaders.

We also honor our Gospel of Life award recipients. These are typically persons who have demonstrated long-standing pro-life convictions in their daily lives. This year’s honorees are no strangers to the cause for human life: Dr. Dave Hilger, Dr. Robert Bonebrake, Dr. Sean Kenney and Dr. Elena Kraus. These four physicians have been avid advocates for the cause of human life, not only in their medical offices but also in the public square. At a time when the field of medicine is experiencing a Gospel of Life deficit, these physicians are counter-cultural examples who carry the banner of truth in their practice of Hippocratic medicine in service of the human person.

My hope is you’ll join us in honoring these award-winning pro-lifers.

Did I mention that the event is a great way and time to be with all three of our Nebraska Bishops at one event? It’s not every day that all three Bishops are hanging out at one event. It’s a beautiful evening to hear from our local shepherds—and successors to the apostles—as they lay out the pro-life vision that Jesus desires for Nebraska!

And, as far as the conference goes on Saturday, there will be no shortage of great talks. We will be hitting on key pro-life themes, as well as other major public policy topics that we are advocating for at the Nebraska Catholic Conference. We will be addressing everything from preparing our souls for important pro-life work to combatting the contraceptive culture to advocating for school choice to defending medical conscience rights to responding to the transgender movement. We will also unveil our post-abortion healing ministry which will be re-launched in late October.

Again, as we advocate for the truth in the public square, we must be equipped to communicate this truth in a winsome, charitable, and intelligent way. The conference will help you do all of this!

So, don’t hesitate, register now…before the clock runs out…at See you in Lincoln on October 6 and 7!


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