Spiritual Life
Let us put on the mind of Christ Jesus in Holy Week
April 2, 2020
Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week. And how different is our world since we first began our Lenten journey! The COVID-19 virus has taken a huge toll on us. Life as we knew it has changed dramatically. Yet the truth of our faith remains – Jesus Christ is with us in our suffering and confusion, showing us courage, compassion and total self-giving love.
A little boy named Thomas had a 5-year-old sister who was afflicted with a rare blood disease. She needed a transfusion, but they were having trouble finding someone with the specific blood type she needed.
Then it was discovered that Thomas did. The doctor came and had a talk with him. “Son,” he said, “would you give your blood so that your sister can live?” Thomas looked shocked. But after thinking this over for a little while, he told the doctor he would do it.
The blood was taken from Thomas’ arm. The doctor came in a little late and asked him how he was feeling. “Fine,” Thomas said. And then he asked quietly, “But, Doctor – when do I die?” Only then did it dawn on the doctor that Thomas had misunderstood. He thought he was giving all his blood to save his sister.
This simple story is not really about a misunderstanding. Thomas was crystal clear about what he was willing to do to save his sister. He understood that he would give up everything, give all his blood, if that is what it took to save her.
The entire meaning of the Passion of Jesus Christ rests on this same kind of single-minded sacrifice – the willingness of an innocent man to give up everything, to give all his blood, if that is what it takes to save the lives and souls of the world.
What shines brightly through the pain and chaos is the fact that, at every moment of the journey, the suffering Jesus put his whole heart into the hands of God. Then, keeping his eyes fixed on God, Jesus had only to keep walking.
May we fix our eyes on Jesus today and throughout this Holy Week, and put our feet into his footsteps, as he walks ahead of us – into the future resurrection from death God is giving us. May we put on the mind of Christ Jesus.