List of substantiated claims of clergy sexual abuse of or sexual misconduct with a minor
December 3, 2018
Section 1: Substantiated allegations of misconduct with and/or the abuse of a minor which took place after the implementation of Safe Environment standards in 2002
John Fiala
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): 2008
Reports: Diocese and LE: 2014
Status: Left Archdiocese of Omaha for religious order, 1996. Deceased, 2017. Incarcerated in Texas for sexual abuse at time of death.
Description: Sexual abuse, two victims
Parish assignments: Papillion, St. Columbkille; Norfolk, Sacred Heart; Omaha, St. Joan of Arc; Omaha, St. Peter; Omaha, Christ the King; Spencer, St. Mary; Wisner, St. Joseph; Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity.
Deacon Emilio Morales Jordan
Affiliation: Extern, Diocese of Zacapa (Guatemala)
Date of Act(s): 2000-2002
Reports: Diocese and LE: 2003
Status: Left Archdiocese of Omaha in 2003. Whereabouts unknown.
Description: Concerns about misconduct rose to level for referral to LE.
Francis Nigli
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): 2013
Reports: Diocese and LE: 2013
Status: Removed from public ministry in June 2018 for additional misconduct with a young adult, subsequent to this allegation.
Description: Concerns of misconduct rose to level for referral to LE. After professional assessment, was not prohibited from ministry.
Parish assignments: Omaha, St. Vincent de Paul; Papillion, St. Columbkille; O'Neill, St. Patrick; Amelia, St. Joseph; Omaha, St. Wenceslaus.
Andrew Syring
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): 2013 and early 2014
Reports: Diocese and LE: 2009, 2014
Status: Left priestly ministry by resignation in October 2018
Description: Disputed; rose to level for LE referral regarding concerns of misconduct. Multiple allegations. After professional assessment, was not prohibited from ministry.
Parish assignments: Schuyler, Divine Mercy; Omaha, St. Bernard; Omaha. St. Wenceslaus; West Point, St. Mary; Monterey, St. Boniface; Aloys, St. Aloysius; St. Charles, St. Anthony
Deacon Duane Thome
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): 2016-2018
Reports: Diocese and LE: 2018
Status: Removed in June 2018
Description: Disputed; Rose to level for LE referral regarding concerns of misconduct.
Section 2: Substantiated allegations of the abuse of a minor which took place prior to 2002.
Robert Allgaier
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): Prior to 2001
Reports: Diocese and LE: 2001
Status: Removed, 2001
Description: Child pornography
Parish assignments: Norfolk, Sacred Heart; Ralston, St. Gerald.
Richard Arkfeld
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): 1980s and prior
Reports: Diocese: 1980s, 2010, 2014, 2018. No LE report was made, as no individual minor was named. However, the unnamed reports are consistent and the claims of abuse are considered to be substantiated.
Status: Retired and deceased, 1996
Description: Sexual abuse. The total number of victims is unknown.
Parish assignments: Omaha, St. Rose; Atkinson, St. Joseph; Omaha, Holy Cross; Clyde, St. Patrick; Lynch, Assumption; Niobrara, St. William; Ewing, St. Peter of Alcantara; Randolph, St. Jane Frances de Chantal; St. Charles, St. Anthony; Coleridge, St. Michael; Belden, St. Mary; Newcastle, St. Peter; Ponca, St. Joseph.
John Buckson
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): Prior to 1994
Reports: Diocese: 1994
Status: Resigned, 2002
Description: Sexual abuse
Parish assignments: Omaha, Our Lady of Guadalupe; Omaha, St. Francis of Assisi; Omaha, St. Agnes; Omaha, Our Lady of Guadalupe; Schuyler, St. Augustine.
Donald Cleary
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): 1987
Reports: Diocese and LE: 2018
Status: Removed in 2018
Description: Sexual abuse
Parish assignments: Omaha, Holy Cross; Omaha, Christ the King; Omaha, St. Peter; Omaha, St. Patrick; O'Neill, St. Patrick; Fordyce, St. John; Constance, St. Joseph; Wayne, St. Mary; Fullerton, St. Peter; Clarks, St. Peter; North Bend, St. Charles Borromeo; Snyder, St. Leo the Great; Omaha, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.
Franklin Dvorak
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): 1970-1972
Reports: Diocese and LE: 2012
Status: Removed in 2012; Living life of prayer and penance
Description: Sexual abuse
Parish assignments: Norfolk, Sacred Heart; O'Neill, St. Patrick; Spencer, St. Mary; Cleridge, St. Michael; Mission of Belden; Hartington, Holy Trinity; Omaha, St. Wencesalus; Omaha, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.
John Feeney
Affiliation: Extern, Diocese of Green Bay
Date of Act(s): 1962-1963
Reports: Diocese and LE: 2012
Status: Removed from ministry by Diocese of Green Bay, 1986. Laicized, 2005.
Description: Sexual abuse
John Fiala
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): 1984-1986
Reports: Diocese: 2002, 2010, 2011
Status: Left Archdiocese of Omaha for religious order, 1996. Deceased, 2017. Incarcerated in Texas for sexual abuse at time of death.
Description: Sexual abuse, two victims
Parish assignments: Papillion, St. Columbkille; Norfolk, Sacred Heart; Omaha, St. Joan of Arc; Omaha, St. Peter; Omaha, Christ the King; Spencer, St. Mary; Wisner, St. Joseph; Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity.
Joseph Finch
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): Several years, beginning in 1971
Reports: Diocese: 1996; LE: 2002, 2010
Status: Left Archdiocese of Omaha in 1963 for military chaplaincy. In 1969, relocated to the Diocese of Phoenix. In 1992, given permission by the Bishop of Albany to serve as chaplain to cloistered convent. Left the convent in early 2018. Whereabouts unknown.
Description: Sexual abuse
Parish assignments: Omaha, Our Lady of Lourdes; Boys Town, Immaculate Conception (Dowd Chapel); Archdiocese of the Military Services; Diocese of Albany
James Gaughan
Affiliation: Extern, Diocese of Mandeville
Date of Act(s): Uncertain
Reports: Diocese: 2003
Status: Left Archdiocese of Omaha for the Diocese of Mandeville, 1999. Deceased, 2009
Description: Sexual abuse. This case was referred to the Diocese of Mandeville.
Parish assignments: Omaha, St. Pius X; Hartington, Holy Trinity; Bellevue, St. Bernadette; Omaha, St. Thomas More; Duncan, St. Stanislaus; Diocese of Mandeville, Jamaica
Edward Gill
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): 1962, 1963-1964
Reports: Diocese: 2004
Status: Retired, 1999. Deceased, 2006
Description: Sexual abuse
Parish assignments: Omaha, St. Peter; Coleridge, St. Michael; Norfolk, Sacred Heart; Omaha, St. Agnes; Plainview, St. Paul; Butte, Sts. Peter & Paul; Madison, St. Leonard; Atkinson, St. Joseph; Central City, St. Michael; Stanton, St. Peter; Osmond, St. Mary of the Seven Dolors; St. Edward, St. Edward.
Tom Glennon
Affiliation: Extern
Date of Act(s): 1980-1991
Reports: Diocese: 2018
Status: Retired; Left NE 2018
Description: Sexual abuse
Joseph Henry
Affiliation: Extern
Date of Act(s): 1961-1962
Reports: Diocese and LE: 2012
Status: Deceased
Description: Posthumous; Sexual abuse
Daniel Herek
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): 1970s through 1990s
Reports: Diocese and LE: Multiple
Status: Removed, 1998; Prison, 1998; Laicized, 2006
Description: Child pornography and sexual abuse; Number of victims is unknown.
Parish assignments: Omaha, Assumption; Omaha, Christ the King; Omaha, St. Joan of Arc; Omaha, Mary Our Queen; Omaha, St. Peter; Omaha, St. Bernard; Coleridge, St. Michael; Belden, St. Mary; Beemer, Holy Cross; Omaha. St. Ann; Omaha, St. Richard.
Joseph Hiepvan Ho
Affiliation: Extern, Archdiocese of Sydney
Date of Act(s): 1979-1980
Reports: Diocese: 1990, 2010; Archdiocese of Sydney notified in 2010
Status: Left Archdiocese of Omaha in 1992. Active, according to the website of the Archdiocese of Sydney.
Description: 1990: Boundary violation; 2010: Sexual abuse
Michael Kelly
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): 1956-1996
Reports: Diocese: 1998; LE: 2004
Status: Retired, 1995; Removed, 2002; Deceased, 2003
Description: Sexual abuse
Parish assignments: Elgin, St. Boniface; Omaha, St. Cecilia Cathedral; Omaha, St. Peter; Randolph, St. Jane Frances de Chantal; Battle Creek, St. Patrick; Neligh, St. Francis of Assisi; Clearwater, St. Teresa of Avila; Laurel, St. Mary; Genoa, St. Rose of Lima; Lyons, St. Joseph
Daniel Kenney
Affiliation: Extern
Date of Act(s): 1985-1987
Reports: Diocese and LE: 2012
Status: Removed, 2002
Description: Sexual abuse. This case was overseen by the former Wisconsin Province of the Society of Jesus.
Jay Kruse
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): 2004
Reports: Diocese and LE : 2004
Status: Removed, 2004; Laicized, 2006
Description: Child pornography
Parish assignments: Fremont, St. Patrick; Roncalli High School; Omaha, St. Pius X; Wynot, Sacred Heart; St. James, Sts. Philip & James; Hartington, Cedar Catholic High School; Ewing, St. Peter of Alcantara; Deloit Township, St. John; Elgin, Pope John XXIII High School; Verdigre, St. Wenceslaus; Niobrara, St. William; O'Neill, St. Patrick; Amelia, St. Joseph.
Larry Toms Kulangara
Affiliation: Extern
Date of Act(s): 1995-2000
Reports: Diocese: 2000; LE: 2004 and 2017
Status: Served in Archdiocese of Omaha from 1997-2000. Returned to his community in 2000. Presumed to be active in the Nigeria-India Province of the SSP. This matter was referred to the Holy See in 2017.
Description: Sexual abuse, two victims
Duane Lukes
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): 1964-1990s
Reports: Diocese: 1985, 2004, 2005; LE: 2015
Status: Deceased, 1998
Description: Sexual abuse, multiple victims
Parish assignments: Omaha, St. Stanislaus; Dodge, St. Wenceslaus; Omaha, St. Pius X; Lindsay, Holy Family; Omaha, St. Ann; Norfolk, Sacred Heart; Niobrara, St. William; St. Edward, St. Edward; Osmond, St. Mary of the Seven Dolors; Norfolk, Immaculata Monastery.
Aloysius McMahon
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): 1970-1975
Reports: Diocese: 1998; LE: 2004
Status: Retired, 1997; Deceased, 2011
Description: Disputed; Sexual abuse, two victims
Parish assignments: Omaha, St. Wencesalus; Boys Town, Immaculate Conception (Dowd Chapel); Pierce, St. Joseph; Wisner, St. Joseph; Omaha, St. Frances Cabrini; Omaha, St. Joan of Arc; Omaha, St. Peter
Mark Merkel
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): 1999
Reports: Diocese and LE: 1999 and 2004
Status: Removed, 2004; Laicized, 2006
Description: Sexual abuse
Parish assignments: Fremont. St. Patrick; Omaha, St. Cecilia Cathedral; O'Neill, St. Patrick; West Point Central School; Beemer, Holy Cross.
Anthony Palmese
Affiliation: Extern
Date of Act(s): 1984-1985
Reports: Diocese and LE: 2013
Status: Deceased, 2012
Description: Posthumous; Sexual abuse
Roland Peschel
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): 1967
Reports: Diocese: 1993 and 2010; LE: 2010
Status: Retired and removed, 2010
Description: 1993: Disputed; Sexual abuse. 2010: Admitted; Sexual abuse
Parish assignments: Dodge, St. Wenceslaus; Creighton, St. Ludger; Omaha, St. Mary; Omaha, St. Bernard; Omaha, St. James; Omaha, St. Margaret Mary; Omaha, St. Bernard; Randolph, St. Jane Frances de Chantal; O'Neill, St. Patick; Amelisa, St. Joseph; Emmett, Epiphany; Omaha, St. Bernard; Omaha, St. Bernardette; Fremont, St. Patrick; Dodge, St. Wenceslaus; Olean, Sacred Heart; Ralston, St. Gerald.
Anthony Petrusic
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): 1970s
Reports: Diocese: 2002
Status: Retired, 1994; Removed, 2002; Deceased, 2010
Description: Sexual abuse, two victims
Parish assignments: Omaha, Sts. Peter & Paul; Omaha, Ryan High School; Omaha, St. Catherine Hospital; Omaha, Notre Dame Convent; Omaha, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.
Deacon Tom Purnell
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): Pre-1991
Reports: Diocese and LE: 1991
Status: Presumed deceased
Description: Sexual abuse, two victims
John Rizzo
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): 1962, 1972
Reports: Diocese: 1993, 2002, 2010
Status: Removed, 2002; Retired, 2003
Description: Sexual abuse, two victims. 1972 allegation disputed.
Parish assignments: Omaha, St. Ann; Omaha, Holy Cross; Boys Town, Immaculate Conception; Dixon, St. Anne; Genoa, St. Rose; Ponca, St. Joseph; Waterbury, Immaculate Conception; Menominee, St. Boniface; Stanton, St. Peter; Creighton, St. Ludger; Clarks, St. Peter; Omaha, St. Peter.
Perry Robinson
Affiliation: Extern
Date of Act(s): 1980s
Reports: Diocese: Late 2011; LE: Unknown—Conduct alleged to have occurred in Milwaukee
Status: Removed in early 2012
Description: Sexual abuse. This case was overseen by the former Wisconsin Province of the Society of Jesus.
Al Salanitro
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): 1990-1994
Reports: Diocese and LE: 2011, 2012
Status: Removed, 2012; Laicized, 2013
Description: Sexual abuse, three victims
Parish assignments: Omaha, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton; Omaha, Holy Cross; Laurel, St. Mary; Dixon, St. Anne; Blair, St. Francis Borgia; Bellevue, St. Bernadette.
Thomas Sellentin
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): 1968-1989
Reports: Diocese: 1968-present; LE: 2018
Status: Removed, 2002
Description: Sexual abuse, 20 to 35 victims
Parish assignments: Omaha. St. Stanislaus; Elgin, St. Boniface; Omaha, St. Joan of Arc; West Point, St. Mary; Lindsay, Holy Family; Omaha, Blessed Sacrament; Spencer, St. Mary; Fullerton, St. Peter; Menominee, St. Boniface; Howells, Sts. Peter & Paul and St. John; North Bend, St. Charles Borromeo; Snyder, St. Leo the Great.
John Starostka
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): 1972-1974, 2000
Reports: Diocese: 2001, 2002; LE: 2004
Status: Removed, 2002; Deceased, 2012
Description: Sexual abuse
Parish assignments: Omaha, St. Francis of Assisi; Creigthon, St. Ludger; Omaha, St. Philip Neri; Omaha, St. Stanislaus; Platte Center, St. Joseph; Newcastle, St. Peter; Omaha, St. Cecilia Cathedral; Cedar Rapids, St. Anthony; Primrose, St. Mary.
Robert Steinhausen
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): 1982-1986
Reports: Diocese: 2008
Status: Deceased, 1993
Description: Sexual abuse
Parish assignments: Omaha, Holy Cross; South Sioux City, St. Michael; Spencer, St. Mary; Norfolk, Sacred Heart; Papillion, St. Columbkille.
Section 3: Activity after leaving the Archdiocese of Omaha or after leaving ministry
Patrick Henry
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): 1970s-1980s
Reports: Diocese of Cleveland: ca. 2008
Status: Transferred to the Diocese of Cleveland, 1997
Description: Sexual abuse. This case was overseen by the Diocese of Cleveland.
Parish assignments: Papillion, St. Columbkille; South Sioux City, St. Michael; Diocese of Cleveland
Section 4: Activity Before Entering Formation or Seminary
Deacon Robert Pickett
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): 1978
Reports: Diocese: 2016; LE: 1978
Status: Removed, 2016
Description: Sexual abuse
Jeff Zyla
Affiliation: Omaha
Date of Act(s): 1978-1981
Reports: Diocese and LE: 2003
Status: Removed, 2003
Description: Sexual abuse
Parish assignments: South Sioux City, St. Michael; Omaha, St. Leo; Petersburg, St. John the Baptist; Raeville, St. Bonaventure; Wisner, St. Joseph; West Point, Central High School; Aloys, St. Aloysius.
Affiliation: The diocese or religious community to which a cleric belongs