More than 160 Nebraskans attend Catholics at the Capitol
April 18, 2019
More than 160 Catholics – about twice as many as last year – came together to learn about legislation and lobby their representatives March 21 at the third annual Catholics at the Capitol in Lincoln.
"I think the turnout reflects a general desire to be more active and engaged," said Tom Venzor, executive director of the event’s sponsor, the Nebraska Catholic Conference (NCC), which represents the public policy interests of the state’s three bishops.
"People are becoming more deeply aware of their duty and responsibility as Catholics to take part in the political process," Venzor said.
Bishop Joseph G. Hanefeldt of Grand Island opened the event at St. Mary Church, across from the state Capitol, with an address stressing the importance of Catholics participating in politics. Lt. Gov. Mike Foley and former state Sen. Tony Fulton "both gave a tremendous picture of what Catholics can do to stay engaged" and encouraged people to not be afraid to reach out to their state senators and make their voices heard, Venzor said.
And NCC officials gave an overview of several bills the Legislature is considering, including recently-approved pro-life license plates, and making information about perinatal hospice care available to parents struggling with medically challenging pregnancies.
The group also met with representatives at the Capitol. While together in the gallery of the legislative chamber, they were recognized by the Legislature, Venzor said.
"It was amazing to watch 160-plus people engaging with their senators individually and in small groups," he said. "A lot of them seemed to feel empowered and much more comfortable with the political process."
"I think individuals are seeing opportunities for great wins, progress and hope in areas such as pro-life, marriage, family and assisting the poor," Venzor said. "They see an opportunity to make a change and move things forward for the common good."