The image that captures a young St. John Henry Newman was dedicated Oct. 9 at the St. John Paul II Newman Center in Omaha. From left is the painting’s creator, Kate Capato, Father Dan Andrews, pastor and director of the Newman Center, and Charles and Catherine Nicholson, who commissioned the painting in their son’s memory. ST. JOHN PAUL II NEWMAN CENTER


New painting at JPII Newman Center honors a saint, memorializes a student

St. John Henry Newman has always had a presence at the St. John Paul II Newman Center in Omaha, which bears his name like hundreds of Newman Centers on college campuses across the United States.

But now the saint looms even larger, thanks to a new painting of him, dedicated Oct. 9 in memory of John Patrick Nicholson, who lived at the St. John Paul II Newman Center before his death from cancer. Nicholson was known for his determination amid setbacks and for his faith and resignation to God’s will.

His parents, Catherine and Charles Nicholson, commissioned the artwork. The painting, by artist Kate Capato, portrays a youthful St. John Henry Newman and is now prominently displayed outside the oratory at the Newman Center.

About 80 people attended the dedication ceremony.

The artworks is seen after its installation. ST. JOHN PAUL II NEWMAN CENTER

Father Dan Andrews speaks at the dedication. Pictured on the screen behind him is John Patrick Nicholson. The painting was dedicated in his memory. PAWEL MACHURA

Catherine Nicholson speaks at the dedication. PAWEL MACHURA

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