Father Matthew Pohlman, left, and Father Zachary Eischeid exit St. Cecilia Cathedral in Omaha as brand new priests. ERVIN PHOTOGRAPHY

Equipping Disciples

Newly ordained priests are configured into the Good Shepherd

Ordination day contained “a litany of goodness” for two new archdiocesan priests, Father Zachary Eischeid and Father Matthew Pohlman.

They were ordained June 1 at a packed St. Cecilia Cathedral in Omaha. Dozens of priests, deacons and seminarians were on hand, as well as family members, friends and supporters.

The readings at the Ordination Mass overflowed with God’s goodness, speaking about glad tidings, healing, liberty, release, comfort, humility, gentleness, patience, love, unity, peace, grace and faith, Archbishop George J. Lucas pointed out in his homily at the ordination Mass.


The Gospel spoke of the Good Shepherd, Who said He will lead His flock and  “lay down My life for the sheep.”

The men being ordained were being configured into the Good Shepherd,  the archbishop said, priests who bring peace and reconciliation to those they minister to.

The new priests will speak with God’s voice to people who have been listening to lies about themselves and others and who deserve to hear the truth, Archbishop Lucas said.

The priests will “set a table of spiritual food,” which lasts eternally, food which becomes Jesus Himself.

The archbishop encouraged the two to recall their June 1 ordination on the first of every month and reflect on the Gospel passage they just heard, which reveals Jesus as the Good Shepherd.

“Remember the Good Shepherd to Whom you are configured,” he said. “Ask the Lord to put His goodness in you.”



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