Notre Dame Sisters host “Mission Momentum”
August 9, 2019
The Notre Dame Sisters shared news on the future of their mission and announced staff changes during a July 26 event entitled, “Mission Momentum,” hosted at their Omaha headquarters.
During the event, the sisters announced that a grant from the Lilly Foundation funded an audit of the order’s fundraising and communication activities connected with two of their major ministries, Notre Dame Housing and Safe Homes, and plans for centralizing administration of those programs.
Since 1997, Notre Dame Housing (NDH) has provided affordable senior housing through living options and supportive services that address the social, spiritual and physical needs of its residents and give them the ability to live independently for as long as possible.
Through the Safe Homes Program, the sisters provide start-up funds for people escaping domestic violence situations. They also help victims rebuild their self-esteem damaged in abusive relationships, and find employment and a home where they will be safe from harm.
The sisters also bid farewell to Scot Adams, who retired as vice president for advancement, and welcomed Sandra Koch as his replacement.