Sister Mary Ellen taught at Omaha Catholic schools
December 3, 2020
Sister of Mercy Mary Ellen Devereux, who served as an educator for about 35 years, including at four Omaha Catholic schools, died in Omaha Nov. 14 after 75 years of religious life. She was 93.
A graveside service, with limited attendance due to coronavirus precautions, was held Dec. 2 at Resurrection Cemetery in Omaha. A memorial service will be held at a later date.
Sister Mary Ellen “had a beautiful spirit and liked things to be beautiful in her surroundings,” said Sister of Mercy Monica Reichmuth in a written tribute by the sisters. “She enjoyed spending time in conversation with her friends and could often be found near the tabernacle in the chapel praying the rosary.”
Sister Mary Ellen, who was born in Grinnell, Iowa, entered the Sisters of Mercy in 1945, professed temporary vows in 1947 and perpetual vows in 1950.
She earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in education and certificates in spirituality and gerontology.
Sister Mary Ellen served as a teacher and administrator at schools in Chadron and Lincoln, Nebraska, as well as in Iowa, California, Missouri and North Dakota.
In Omaha, she taught at the former St. Patrick School from 1947 to 1948, St. Bernard from 1948 to 1950 and from 1954 to 1958, Holy Cross from 1965 to 1966 and St. Margaret Mary from 1970 to 1971.
She also served as retirement director for her order’s convent in Denver and at the former convent at Mercy High School in Omaha from 1983 to 1991.