Some of the more than 5,000 people taking part in last year’s Nebraska Walk for Life in Lincoln proceed down 14th Street toward the University of Nebraska Student Union. MIKE MAY/STAFF
Pro-life supporters invited to make ‘worthy sacrifice’ by attending Walk for Life Jan. 16
December 16, 2020
Pro-life supporters once again have an opportunity to publicly bear witness to the sanctity of all human life – born and unborn – during the 47th annual Nebraska Walk for Life Jan. 16 in Lincoln.
“Abortion is the most significant human rights issue of our time,” said Sandy Danek, acting executive director of Nebraska Right to Life, the event’s sponsor.
“For those in the pro-life movement, they see the child in the womb as a true treasure from God, worthy of their sacrifice of standing in the cold in this protest against abortion,” she said. “This public witness is essential to the fight.”
Before the walk, the Nebraska Catholic Conference (NCC) will sponsor a 9 a.m. Mass at St. Mary Church, across from the state Capitol at 14th and K streets, with Lincoln Bishop James Conley as celebrant.
Pandemic restrictions concerning church capacity will be in place and masks will be required. Spirit Catholic Radio will broadcast the Mass for those unable to attend in person. The NCC also will livestream the Mass on its Facebook page.
The Walk for Life begins with a 10 a.m. rally on the steps of the Capitol, after which participants will walk to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Newman Center at 320 N. 16th St.
Once there, due to coronavirus restrictions, only a limited number of people will be admitted to hear keynote speaker Sarah Zagorski share her story of survival, hope and healing.
One of 11 children and born at 26-and-a-half weeks, Zagorski lived in extreme poverty and was sexually abused in her birth family. After more than seven years in the foster care system, she was adopted by a family who helped her learn the meaning of love and the beauty of life.
She has worked to end abortion through education, legislation, activism and service as communications director for Louisiana Right to Life, executive director of Colorado Citizens for Life and staff writer for LifeNews.com.
Following the keynote address, participants can visit with numerous pro-life exhibitors.
The event schedule may be subject to change depending on COVID-19 restrictions. Visit Nebraska Right to Life’s Facebook page for notifications and updates.
For more information, visit Nebraska Right to Life’s website, nebraskarighttolife.com, or call 402-318-8291.
The Nebraska Walk for Life is the largest, longest-running First Amendment demonstration against abortion in the state. It has been held on a Saturday in January since 1974.