
Registration underway for March for Life pilgrimage

High school students, clergy, men and women religious and others from the archdiocese will again have the opportunity to defend the unborn as part of a pilgrimage to the 46th annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., Jan. 15-20.
Each year, hundreds of thousands of people travel to Washington from around the country to witness against abortion during the march, this year set for Jan. 18. 
“This is a chance for people to join the pro-life community and exercise their American right to voice their beliefs,” said Whitney Bradley, coordinator of the Respect Life Apostolate of the archdiocese’s Center for Family Life Formation.
The archdiocesan group is being organized and will travel in buses leaving from Omaha, Norfolk and West Point. The buses fill quickly and people should register soon at, Bradley said. The deadline is Oct. 15.
Parishes and a school arranging their own pilgrimages are St. Bonaventure Parish in Columbus and St. Peter Parish and V.J. and Angela Skutt Catholic High School, both in Omaha. 
Last year about 400 people from the archdiocese participated in the pilgrimage.
The trip costs $525 per person, and financial aid is available through Oct. 1 from the Respect Life Office. Application forms are at
Many of the pilgrims from the archdiocese will attend Masses together in Washington at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, with Archbishop George J. Lucas at the Cathedral of St. Matthew, and at the Life is Very Good youth rally Jan. 17, Bradley said.
There will be some variation in individual groups’ sightseeing itineraries, but all groups from the archdiocese will be together for the march, she said. 
People can get more details from their parishes or schools, or contact Bradley at 402-551-9006, ext. 1306, or
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