Squires raise money for others
April 18, 2019
A Knights of Columbus-based group of boys formed two years ago in Columbus has raised more than $20,000 by encouraging parishioners in all three of the city’s parishes to drop coins into baby bottles.
The Squires group the last two years handed out baby bottles to parishioners at St. Isidore, St. Anthony and St. Bonaventure churches the week after Mother’s Day and collected the money Father’s Day weekend – this year June 17-18.
The "Baby Bottle Boomerang" donations over two years have included $3,000 for archdiocesan seminarians, $2,000 to aid the archdiocese’s March for Life trip to Washington, D.C., and $3,000 in baby food, formula, diapers and juice for St. Vincent de Paul Society’s Simon House in Columbus.
The youths – more than 20 boys ages 10 to 18 – run the program and distribute the money, said Kelly Schrant, adult councilor for the Squires with Mike Middendorf, both members of St. Isidore Parish and Knights Council 12086 in Columbus.
"It’s very well received by our parishes," Schrant said. "I am so proud of these kids."
Abe Perault, chief squire, a member of St. Isidore Parish and a junior this fall at Scotus Central Catholic High School in Columbus, said the Squires and the baby bottle program have been great ways to serve others and increase his own faith.
"It’s truly a blessing for me," he said. "I have tried to increase my faith, and service is one of the biggest ways we can show our love of Christ to other people."