Three parishes combine for mobile food pantry
April 18, 2019
Volunteers at three Omaha parishes combined to help the needy with a mobile food pantry Aug. 10, distributing to more than 800 people a variety of apples, pears, vegetables, ground turkey, bread, milk and other goods.
Forty-five people worked at the event, many of them teenagers, said Sonja Schreffler, coordinator of the food pantry for the St. Vincent de Paul Society conference at St. Peter Parish in Omaha, which sponsored the event.
Teens and other volunteers helped from St. Peter, Assumption-Guadalupe and St. Bridget-St. Rose parishes, Schreffler said.
The event was held in a parking lot near Our Lady of Guadalupe Church. The mobile food pantry will hold a similar opportunity Sept. 28 near St. Peter Church.