Tovar to be ordained a transitional deacon in his home parish
May 15, 2019
Seminarian Mauricio Tovar is preparing to take his last major step toward his eventual ordination to the priesthood, in the parish he considers home – Divine Mercy in Schuyler.
Archbishop George J. Lucas will ordain Tovar a transitional deacon May 24 at Central High School in Schuyler.
Originally from Mexico, Tovar moved as a youth to Rogers, Nebraska, near Schuyler, where he has family.
“He’s had some really successful parish experiences,” said Father Andrew Roza, director of vocations for the archdiocese. These included Divine Mercy Parish, as well as St. Thomas More and Assumption-Guadalupe parishes in Omaha.
“People entrust themselves to him very quickly, and he’s been a good steward of that trust in every way,” Father Roza said. “Mauricio has been a wonderful candidate.”
Although his assignment is not yet finalized, Tovar will serve this summer at a parish in the archdiocese before returning to Assumption Seminary in San Antonio, Texas, for his final year of theology studies.
As a transitional deacon, he will proclaim the Gospel and preach at Masses, serve as an ordinary minister of Communion, and preside at baptisms and wakes, among other parish duties.
He will be ordained to the priesthood in June of 2020 along with Zachary Tucker, who is currently studying in Rome and will be ordained a transitional deacon there Oct. 3.
Background: Home parish, Divine Mercy, Schuyler. Parents Martin Tovar and Martina Cano; sister and brother-in-law Maria Guadalupe Tovar and Rene Juarez; brother and sister-in-law Fernando Tovar and Anita Ruiz; brother Martin Tovar; nephews, all from Santa Cruz de Juventino Rosas, Guanajuanto, Mexico.
Education: Our Lady of the Lake University, San Antonio, Texas; Central Community College, Columbus; Conception Seminary College, Conception, Missouri; Assumption Seminary, San Antonio.
Activities/Ministries: Ministry of presence, Our Lady of Rickenbach nursing home, Clyde, Missouri, and Northwest Missouri Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center, St. Joseph, Missouri; Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, St. Francis Xavier Parish, St. Joseph, and St. Luke Parish, San Antonio; pastoral semester, Divine Mercy Parish, Schuyler; pastoral ministry at Instituto de Formacion Pastoral/Pastoral Formation Institute at St. Jude, San Antonio; intern chaplain, Morningside Ministries Senior Living Communities, San Antonio.
Summer assignments: Ss. Peter and Paul, Holy Name, St. Thomas More and Assumption-Guadalupe parishes, all Omaha; seminarian worker and student, Institute for Priestly Formation, Omaha.
Reflections on ordination: “While reflecting upon the seven years of priesthood formation in seminary regarding ministry, I expect to continue serving the people of God in collaboration with the clergy and our bishop. As a transitional deacon, I hope to continue growing in charity while serving others by proclaiming the Word of God, preaching, learning and assisting the priest during liturgical celebrations. Also, I want to continue being present to others by listening and accompanying them with sympathy and compassion, especially those in pastoral and spiritual needs. Serving others is meaningful for me because I am able to see God in their lives, in their Christian vocations and in my own vocation that God had called me in life.”