
Trust in the Lord liberates us from anxieties

 "Don’t worry about it." Have you ever noticed that as soon as someone tells you not to worry about something, you, in fact, start worrying about it?

It’s almost as if the phrase itself causes us to focus our attention even more acutely on the subject at hand.

We may even lose ourselves in all the possibilities of what may or may not be. It takes up a lot of mental and spiritual energy when we do this. Worrying can drain us of our hope. This is what is taking place in the hearts of the disciples from our Gospel passage for this Sunday.

Jesus challenges his apostles to not let their hearts be troubled by what may come. He knows their lives are about to change drastically. He knows he is about to endure the agony of the cross and does not want them to be lost in the fear that will soon grab hold of their hearts.

He encourages them to retain a faith that is serene even amid the storms of life that will soon rage around them. He invites them to focus on the truth of who he is and of the great love of the Father revealed to them through him.

The psalmist rightly encourages us to seek refuge in the Lord by placing our trust in his mercy. This is not an easy task. However, it’s one we must embrace if we truly desire to be liberated from worldly anxieties.


Father Walter Nolte is pastor of St. Bernard Church in Omaha. Contact him at wlnolte@archomaha.org.

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