
Ultrasound program saving lives

Ultrasound technology is helping save unborn babies around the state thanks to the efforts of the Nebraska Knights of Columbus Culture of Life Foundation.

Seven of 10 women’s resource centers in the state that received ultrasound machines donated by the foundation estimate that 2,027 of 2,463 abortion-minded or abortion-vulnerable clients chose not to have an abortion after viewing an ultrasound during 2017, said Brian Hamik, foundation co-director.

Since 2009, the foundation has placed ten machines in Nebraska, including one in O’Neill and four in Omaha, he said.

The machines allow women who may be considering an abortion to see their unborn babies in the womb with the hope of encouraging them to carry their pregnancies to term.

Members of Knights of Columbus councils around the archdiocese will be collecting donations to further that effort at Masses this weekend during its One Rose-One Life campaign.

The annual campaign raises funds for the foundation that it combines with matching funds from the national Supreme Council to provide the machines to qualifying women’s resource centers.

On Jan. 14, the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council announced the placement of the 1,000th ultrasound machine in a women’s health center in Virginia.

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