World Mission Sunday an opportunity to help others
April 18, 2019
Parishioners have an opportunity this weekend to join Catholic faithful throughout the world as they help carry out missionary activities of the church.
It’s the annual World Mission Sunday collection, set for weekend Masses Oct. 21-22.
Last year, people across the archdiocese raised $115,386.
"This collection helps us realize our obligation to spread the faith that was given to us by Christ himself," said Deacon Omar Gutierrez, archdiocesan director of the Pontifical Society for Propagation of the Faith, the collection’s sponsor.
"Its value can be seen in the lives of those who learn about the faith and those whose lives are saved through the aid that’s provided."
The collection helps churches in Asia, Africa, the Pacific islands, and parts of Latin America and Europe spread the good news of Jesus Christ and assist the poor. Contributing dioceses also can select specific projects for part of the money.
Last year, the archdiocese helped a Catholic community in China build a church, a community in Uganda dig a well and pump water for a new school, and people transport medical supplies to Nigeria, Gutierrez said.
Money raised also supports the Catholic Near East Welfare Association, which provides food, medical care, education and other aid to the poor throughout the Middle East, Northeast Africa, India and Eastern Europe.
Other projects funded by the annual collection have included building radio towers in Africa so Catholic radio can spread the faith, supporting schools in Asia and providing medicine and food in troubled areas around the world, Gutierrez said.