
Writing, reporting, serving the church

As I leave the Archdiocese of Omaha to take a new job – with great gratitude on my part, still in the Catholic press – I have been given the opportunity to say “thank you.”

Eight years as news editor of the Catholic Voice have helped me meet so many people willing to help explain and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. 

Learning from, celebrating and communicating the faith – even when it’s difficult news – is an important part of the Catholic mission. 

We couldn’t do that without assistance and support – from our publisher, Archbishop George J. Lucas; chancellor and communications director, Deacon Tim McNeil; other clergy and people serving in archdiocesan ministries, parishes and schools; religious orders and all people of good will. 

 I am in awe of people’s lived experience of the faith. I start every article with a prayer. 

 I hope that by sharing people’s stories in the Catholic Voice, we can help instruct and inspire others, and provide an important avenue for drawing closer to Christ.

And I try to get it right.

So does everyone on our staff. I am enormously grateful to my friends and colleagues, to Dan Rossini, our editor and general manager; Deacon Randy Grosse, now retired but who hired me when he served as general manager and editor; Mike May, our senior writer; Peter Pietrangelo, our graphic designer; Joan Karre, our senior administrative specialist; John Donahue, our advertising representative; and Linda Stehno, our business and circulation specialist. 

I appreciate and thank everyone who served before them, and who write and take photos for the Catholic Voice as freelancers. 

As news editor, I also have been given the gift of learning more about Christ’s love and allowing God’s word to shape me as I hear it spoken in Scripture and as I experience it in the sacraments. I learn a great deal as people share their stories of faith and hard work for others, from all corners of the archdiocese.

As I take on the task of news editor at The Catholic Spirit in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, I will carry each and everyone in this archdiocese in my heart and prayers. Please pray for me and for the staff of the Catholic Voice and The Catholic Spirit and everyone in the Catholic press, that we might continue to help illuminate the work of God’s grace through our church and in our lives.

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