A new signal for Spirit Catholic Radios is set up in the Broken Bow area.
New signal lets Spirit Catholic Radio reach more Nebraskans
August 15, 2023
Spirit Catholic Radio has expanded its reach into the Sandhills area of central Nebraska.
The radio network began broadcasting through a new signal that reaches the communities of Broken Bow, Loup City, Ord and Sargent on Spirit 88.1 FM.
The call sign initials KEJS stand for “Keep Encountering Jesus, Sargent,” corresponding to Spirit Catholic Radio’s mission to help all souls encounter Jesus, according to a news release.
A construction permit granted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allows the new signal’s output to reach a 1,200 wattage and an expected reach of 45 miles for in-vehicle coverage.
Spirit Catholic Radio Network said it reaches about 94 percent of Nebraska’s population. The network includes 15 signals across Nebraska and portions of six other states. Three more signals are planned for Ogallala, Valentine and O’Neill in the coming months.
Spirit Catholic Radio is an affiliate of EWTN Catholic Radio Network and broadcasts national programs with popular Catholic hosts. The local network also airs Nebraska-based programming from Nebraska sources, including daily Mass, the Rosary prayed by the state’s three bishops and Spirit Mornings with hosts Jen Brown and Bruce McGregor.
Besides tuning in to the radio, listeners can access archived podcasts online or listen to a livestream by downloading a Spirit Catholic Radio smartphone app.